Jenkins vs TeamCity

January 04, 2022


Jenkins and TeamCity are two of the most popular Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) servers in the market. Both tools are quite similar in terms of functionality, but there are some underlying differences that set them apart. In this post, we will examine Jenkins and TeamCity with an unbiased perspective and try to compare them in various aspects.


The first and foremost thing that comes to mind while selecting a tool is the pricing. While Jenkins is an open-source tool, which means it is entirely free to use, TeamCity offers both free and paid versions. The free version of TeamCity has some limitations compared to the paid one, such as only supporting up to three build agents and limited to 100 build configurations. However, if you need more than three build agents, you can buy the paid version of TeamCity starting at $299/year for up to 10 build agents.


Both Jenkins and TeamCity have easy installation processes. Jenkins requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to be installed on the machine, while TeamCity supports Java and .NET runtimes. Depending on your environment, the installation process for both tools may vary, but they have detailed documentation to guide you through the setup process.

User Interface

TeamCity has a more modern and intuitive user interface compared to Jenkins. TeamCity's UI is highly customizable, and you can configure it to suit your preferences. In contrast, Jenkins has a cluttered and sometimes confusing user interface, but it is highly customizable through plugins. However, with a bit of effort, you can adjust to either or both user interfaces.

Job Configuration

Both Jenkins and TeamCity have a similar approach to job configuration, but TeamCity has a more straightforward and easy-to-use method for defining job configurations. TeamCity's configuration options are streamlined and intuitive, making it easy for new users. Jenkins’s configuration method might require some expertise and feels like a learning curve compared to TeamCity.

Plugins and Integrations

Jenkins has a vast plugin ecosystem that provides flexibility and customization options. Compared to Jenkins, TeamCity has fewer plugins, but it offers built-in integrations with popular tools such as version control systems, build runners, and test frameworks. TeamCity also provides built-in support for Docker out-of-the-box, which Jenkins doesn't provide natively.


Regarding performance, TeamCity has an advantage over Jenkins; it can perform builds and deployments faster and with fewer resources. TeamCity also has better support for parallel builds, enabling faster build times for larger projects. While Jenkins can sustain smaller projects and builds on weaker hardware, larger projects tend to bottleneck.


After comparing Jenkins and TeamCity, it is hard to choose one over the other. Both tools have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice depends on your demands, resources, and familiarity with the tools. With that said, TeamCity may be more suitable for larger projects and organizations that require faster builds and deployments, while Jenkins could be better for smaller projects running on low-spec hardware.


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